- Year:2021.08
- Illustration:Jingwen Zhou(周挂挂)
- Layout:Grant XIN
- Print:Digital Printing
- Size:841x1189mm
阿莫多瓦作为一位审美独到的电影艺术家,非常擅长在电影中运用冲击力极强的色彩作为象征手法以及情感的延伸;同时,他也非常喜欢运用拼贴的手法进行创作,无论是在影片里或是他的其他作品中。 在这个系列里,我们试图将以上的两种特点结合到自己的探索和表达中,并向这名伟大的导演致敬。
As an artist with unique aesthetics, Pedro Almodovar is very good at using highly impactful colors as symbols and emotional extension in films. At the same time, he also likes to use collage techniques to create, no matter in films or graphic designs. In this series, I tried to combine these two qualities into my exploration and expression, and pay tribute to this great director.